
Today in Austria For Members

Today in Austria: A roundup of the latest news on Thursday

Julia Hjelm Jakobsson
Julia Hjelm Jakobsson - [email protected]
Today in Austria: A roundup of the latest news on Thursday
Lake Neusiedl in Austria has become a victim of too many tourism projects. Photo by Christian Holzinger on Unsplash

UNESCO warns against construction in part of Austria, the government advances gas and electricity grid expansion and more news from Austria on Thursday.


Unesco warns against further construction at Neusiedler See

UNESCO has warned against further construction in the Fertö-Neusiedler World Heritage area, reported Der Standard. There have been many tourism projects around the lake in recent years but they have now reached full capacity, according to the final report by UNESCO in October, which has now been published.

The report recommends that the lake facilities should no longer be expanded and that necessary renovations should be used to improve or correct earlier interventions. It is noted that the World Heritage Site at Neusiedler see is under pressure from development and tourism as well as from changes in hydrology and the effects of climate change.

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Upper Austria wants to bring 100 foreign nurses this year

The province of Upper Austria are planning to recruit 100 foreign nurses this year, according to ORF. Most of the workforce is set to come from the Philippines and India.

Upper Austria is seen as a pioneer in this initiative and has set up a structured process for the recruitment of nurses from abroad.

The goal is to identify and eliminate existing barriers. In addition, the federal government is planning to carry out a country-wide strategy for this type of recruitment.

Government advances gas and electricity grid expansion

Austria's Council of Ministers, has agreed on the expansion of the gas pipeline between Austria and Germany and the expansion of the electricity grids, Der Standard reported on Thursday. The goal of the expansion is to make Austria more independent and prepared for emergencies. 


During a government meeting on the March 6th in Vienna, the previously announced expansion of the gas pipeline between Germany and Austria and the plan for the expansion of the power grids were discussed and initiated. The aim is to establish energy security and reduce dependence on Russian gas with the pipelines helping to guarantee security over supply.

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Carinthia launches new initiative for healthy eating

The province of Carinthia is launching an information offensive to help tackle the problem of obesity in children and adults, according to ORF.

The province's health department is currently working with 67 commercial and community canteens to improve food quality,  and is now planning to expand their initiatives to improve healthy eating. In April, Carinthia will start an Austria-wide pilot project in which childminders (Tagesmutter und Tagesvater) will be trained in healthy eating.

Measures taken to protect glaciers in Austria are insufficient

A Greenpeace analysis has shown that regardless of laws, glaciers in Austria are unprotected, reporting ORF. Lift or slope projects would almost always be approved. Efforts to safeguard glaciers from environmental harm are not meeting the required standards or expectations, according to Greenpeace. Among 14 projects in glacier zones, only one underwent a Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA). 



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